In Residential Plumbing, students build a strong foundation in the tools, terminology, and techniques relevant to the plumbing industry. After receiving a comprehensive overview of safety guidelines and practices, students practice assembling and disassembling a lavatory faucet. As they progress through the program, they install a kitchen sink faucet and set up a kitchen sink drainage system, a showerhead and faucet, shut-off valves, water heater connections, and other plumbing components. With each hands-on project, students learn about the different types of pipes and fittings, common plumbing issues in households, and much more.
- Diagram a home's plumbing
- Properly plumb valves
- Plumb a kitchen faucet
- Install bathroom shower fixtures and drain
- Install drain line in a home
- Proper installation of clean water lines and wastewater lines
- Pipe types and sizes
- Common plumbing components
- Safe residential plumbing procedures
- Introduction
- Lavatory Faucet
- Kitchen Sink Faucet
- Wastewater Removal
- Showerhead and Faucet
- Water Supply to the Bathroom
- Vents, Cleanouts, and Outside Faucets
- Bathroom Tub Wastewater Removal
- Water Heater
- Post-Test and Wrap-Up
- Bonus Activities
- Challenge
- Open-Ended Challenge
- Careers
- Internet
Problem Solving
Module Includes:
Student Workbook, Instructor's Manual, Installation CD, DEPCO Residential Plumbing Workstation, DEPCO Student Plumbing Panel, Residential Plumbing Component Kit, Residential Plumbing Tool Kit, Headphones
The Residential Plumbing storage cabinet must be shipped via LTL truck because of the crated size and weight.
Student Plumbing Panels will need to be purchased for additional classes. One plumbing panel is included with TM9800.
Curriculum Specifications
The Residential Plumbing curriculum consists of a well-illustrated student workbook with 10 daily activities and 5 additional enrichment activities including careers, problem solving, challenge activities, vocabulary reinforcement, and Internet.